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My First Beach Vacation (by Julian)

On Saturday, July 2, we left for my first ever beach vacation. We went to Sandbridge, VA with the Latell Family, my mom’s mom’s extended family.

It was a long drive. We had to stop multiple times along the way.

One of those stops was in Hagerstown, Maryland, where I met my Great Aunt Roxanne, Great Uncle Brooke, and cousin Nathan for the first time!

When we first arrived, I was stunned to see our vacation home for the week—An enormous beachfront property with all the amenities you could ask for! Check it out:

On our first day at the beach, my parents were very excited to dip my toes in the ocean, but I didn’t react very well.

My family scrambled to set up my kingdom, my mom needed nearly an hour to calm me down, and then thanks to the 90-degree heat, I took a long snooze on the beach.

On day 2, given my behavior the day before, my parents thought that we would just try swimming in the pool. I didn’t smile much, but only because I was very focused. With my Otteroo, I got a lot of great workouts in the pool.

Meanwhile, at the beach, they were having some trouble with the umbrellas due to high winds.

Anyway, after the rough start, I began to settle in. My best friend throughout the week was my cousin Olivia. She gets Babysitter of the Year!

With Olivia’s help I reached a new development milestone: Reaching for Objects! Check it out:

But then one day my mom start putting a burp cloth around my head and calling me "Babushka Julian."

Wtf, Mom? This was emasculating. So, I wasn't very happy when it came time for a picture with my cousin Dylan.

My parents knew that they had to find a way to cheer me up. They found out that sniffing my neck makes me laugh.

I forgot about the babushka thing and my mood started to improve. I chilled in the hammock with my mom:

And my Grandpap Hannon taught me all about the ocean, the boats that travel on it, and the birds and planes that fly over it.

By the time family picture night arrived, I was all smiles again.

Overall, it was a great first vacation. Goodbye, beach.